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Psychologisches Institut Metakognitive Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Themen für Masterarbeiten

  • Informationen zur Masterarbeit
    In der folgenden Übersicht finden Sie Themenbereiche, Einzelthemen und ev. extern betreute Einzelthemen vor. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an eine der genannten Kontaktpersonen.
    (Bitte fügen Sie Ihrer Bewerbung für eine Masterarbeit neben einem kurzen Lebenslauf auch ein ca. einseitiges Motivationsschreiben bei, in welchem Sie erklären, warum Sie sich für das Forschungsprojekt bewerben)

    Pro Themenbereich können jeweils ca. 2 bis 4 Masterarbeiten vergeben werden.
    Betreuungsperson der Masterarbeit: Prof. Dr. M. van Loon

Übersicht der Masterarbeitsthemen dieser Professur

Durch Klick auf die einzelnen Themen werden die Detail-Informationen angezeigt.



  • Understanding Metacognitive Monitoring and Control Skills in Adolescence

    Beschreibung: Particularly during adolescence, people have to be increasingly able to self-monitor and independently and strategically control their learning in and beyond the school context.
    For this master project, you will collaborate with a research team on a project focusing on adolescents' ability to self-monitor and control their learning processes. The main aim is to obtain insights into the development of metacognitive monitoring and control skills in adolescents aged 12 to 15.

    Data will be collected during spring 2024. We use a repeated measurement design; participants will participate three times. Metacognition (monitoring judgments and control decisions/actions) will be measured on-task, employing two distinct types of tasks.
    As a master's student, active involvement in developing research materials and collecting and coding data is expected.

    For your master thesis, you can use the collected data to address different research questions such as: Are there age differences (indicating developmental improvement) in monitoring and control skills? How are control decisions and actions based on self-monitoring judgments? How stable are monitoring and control over the three measurement points, and why do some persons vary more than others from moment to moment? How generalizable are monitoring and control across tasks? How are monitoring and control skills related to academic performance in school?

    The master thesis can be written in English or German.

    Keywords: Adolescence, Metacognitive Monitoring, Metacognitive Control, Age Differences.

    Kontakt: Mariette van Loon, E-Mail

    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 01.12.2023)

