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Psychologisches Institut Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

Publikationen / Publications Barbara Körner

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Debus, M. E., Körner, B., Wang, M., & Kleinmann, M. (2023). Reacting to perceived overqualification: Uniting strain-based and self-regulatory adjustment reactions and the moderating role of formal work arrangements. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38(2), 411-435.

Melchers, K. G., & Körner, B. (2019). Is it possible to improve test takers’ perceptions of ability tests by providing an explanation? Journal of Personnel Psychology, 18(1), 1-9.

Debus, M. E., & Körner, B. (2018). Überqualifizierung im Kontext organisationaler Karrieren [Overqualification in the Workplace: The signaling function of proactive behavior]. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 49(1), 34-41.


Körner, B. (2021). A New Perspective on Perceived Overqualification: On Enlarging the Stress-Related View with a More Positive Resource-Oriented Perspective. [doctoral thesis]. University of Zurich.


Körner, B., & Debus, M. E. (2022, September). Knowing What to Expect: Overqualification and the Impact of Realistic Job Previews [Conference session]. 43nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.

Beck, N. M. A., Körner, B., & Debus. M. E. (2021, September). Eine Tagebuchstudie zu Unterbrechungen und Überqualifizierung im Arbeitsalltag [A diary study on daily interruptions and daily perceived overqualification] [Conference session]. 12th Conference of the Section “Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology” of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Chemnitz, Germany

Körner, B., Debus, M. E., & Kleinmann, M. (2020, September). Überqualifizierung und Unterbrechungen bei der Arbeit: Eine Tagebuchstudie [Overqualification and work interruptions: A diary study] [Conference session]. 42nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Vienna, Austria. [Note: The paper was accepted but not presented due to the cancellation of the conference during the COVID19 pandemic.]

Körner, B., Debus, M. E., & Kleinmann, M. (2019; September). Die Bedeutung von Karrierechancen für überqualifizierte Mitarbeitende [The importance of career opportunities for overqualified employees] [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the Section “Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology” of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Braunschweig, Germany.

Körner, B., Debus, M. E., & Kleinmann, M. (2019; August). A career opportunities perspective on overqualification [Conference session]. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, USA.

Körner, B., Debus, M. E., & Kleinmann, M. (2019, Mai). The role of perceived career opportunities for overqualified employees [Paper presentation]. 19th Bi-Annual Conference of the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.

Melchers, K. G., & Körner, B. (2019, April). Can explanations improve test takers’ perceptions of a GMA test? Yes, they can! [Poster presentation]. 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD, USA.

Debus, M. E., Körner, B., Wang, M. & Kleinmann, M. (2019, April). Overqualification and job performance: A dual-pathway model [Conference session]. 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD, USA. (Presented by the second author.)

Körner, B., Braunwalder, J., & Debus, M. E., (2018, September). Die Black Box öffnen: Warum sind Überqualifizierte unzufriedener? [Opening the black box: Why are overqualified employees less satisfied?] [Conference session]. 41st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.

Debus, M. E., Körner, B., Kleinmann, M., & Wang, M. (2018, September). Überqualifizierung und Arbeitsleistung bei NeueinsteigerInnen: Ein Suppressormodell [Overqualification and job performance among newcomers: A suppressor model] [Conference session]. 41st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.

Debus, M. E., Körner, B., Wang, M. & Kleinmann, M. (2018, April). Overqualification among newcomers: The importance of job crafting [Conference session]. 33th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA.

Körner, B., & Melchers, K.G. (2017, April). Can explanations improve test takers’ perceptions of an ability test? [Poster presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL, USA.

Bühl, A.-K., Körner, B., & Melchers, K. G. (2015, September). Tell me sweet little lies: Hat Faking Auswirkungen auf die Kriteriumsvalidität von Interviews? [Tell me sweet little lies: Does faking incluence criterion validity of interviews?] [Conference session]. 9th Conference of the Section “Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology” of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Mainz, Germany.

Gassner, F. J., Melchers, K. G., & Körner, B. (2014, September). Lässt sich die Bewerberreaktion auf Fähigkeitstests durch Erklärungen verbessern? [Is it possible to improve test takers’ perceptions of ability tests by providing an explanation?] [Poster presentation]. 39th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Bochum, Germany.

Melchers, K. G., & Körner, B. (2014, October). Is it possible to improve test takers’ perceptions of an ability test by providing an explanation? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Psychology 2014, Paris, France.

Outreach Aktivitäten (Auswahl)

Workshops in Unternehmen

Körner, B. (2017, August). Workshop (one day) on the topic of job satisfaction and how to measure and improve it for the "Nachhaltigkeitszirkel Zürich Tourismus".

Nicht-wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Körner, B. (2021, March). DATEV-Podcast zum Thema Homeoffice in und nach der Pandemie (

Körner, B. (2019, June). HFNews, “Ist für Dich das Ende von Ausbildung und Studium in Sicht?”;

Körner, B. (2019, May). “Job & Karriere Blog” (“Erfolgreicher Berufseinstieg: Experten-Tipps”; erfolgreicher-berufseinstieg-experten-tipps/)

Körner, B. (2019, April). Interview mit der Kaleidos Fachhochschule Schweiz on the topic of overqualification (“Zu schlau für das eigene Glück?”;