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Heimann, A. L., & Schmitz-Wilhelmy, A. (2024). Observing interviewees’ inner self: How authenticity cues in job interviews relate to interview and job performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, advance online publication. (Open Access Publication)
Ingold, P. V., Heimann, A. L., & Breil, S. M. (2024). Any slice is predictive? On the consistency of impressions from the beginning, middle, and end of assessment center exercises and their relation to performance. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, advance online publication. (Open Access Publication)
Reznik, N., Krumm, S., Freudenstein, J.-P., Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Schäpers, P., & Kleinmann, M. (2024). Does understanding what a test measures make a difference? On the relevance of the ability to identify criteria for situational judgment test performance. International Journal of Assessment and Selection, advance online publication. (Open Access Publication)
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Lievens, F., Melchers, K., Keen, G., & Kleinmann, M. (2022). Actions define a character: Assessment centers as behavior-focused personality measures. Personnel Psychology, 75(3), 675–705. (Open Access Publication)
Schröder, V. S., Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2021). Enhancing personality assessment in the selection context: A study protocol on alternative measures and an extended bandwidth of criteria [Methods]. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. (Open Access Publication)
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Debus, M. E., & Kleinmann, M. (2021). Who will go the extra mile? Selecting organizational citizens with a personality-based interview. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(6), 985–1007. (Open Access Publication)
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2020). Tell us about your leadership style: A structured interview approach for assessing leadership behavior constructs. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(4). (Open Access Publication)
Heimann, A. L., & Ingold, P. V. (2017). Broadening the scope: Situation-specific personality assessment with behaviour description interviews [Peer commentary on the paper "Assessing personality-situation interplay in personnel selection: Towards more Integration into personality research" by F. Lievens]. European Journal of Personality, 31(5), 457-459. Preprint (PDF, 105 KB)
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Hoffman, B. J., & Kleinmann, M. (2022, April). Assessment centers: An opportunity to identify leaders who foster well-being? [Oral presentation at conference]. 36th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Seattle, WA, USA.
Heimann, A. L. (Co-Chair), Ingold, P. V. (Co-Chair), & Woehr, D. J. (Discussant). (2022, April). Advances in assessment center research and implications for assessment center design [Symposium]. 36th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Seattle, WA, USA.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2021, September). (Wie) kann man adaptive Führung erlernen? Ein Vergleich verschiedener Trainingsansätze [How to train adaptive leadership? A comparison of different training interventions; Oral presentation at conference]. 12th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Chemnitz, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Haltiner, S., & Doden. W. (2021, September). Eine Online-Intervention zur Förderung von Leader Self-Development [An online intervention for promoting leader self-development; Oral presentation at conference]. 12th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Chemnitz, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Haltiner, S., & Doden. W. (2021, April). Enabling leader self-development: An online intervention study [Oral presentation at conference]. 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Heimann, A. L. (Co-Chair), Ingold, P. V. (Co-Chair), & Hoffman, B. J. (Discussant). (2021, April). Developing leaders for tomorrow: Research on leadership interventions and assessments [Symposium]. 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Heimann, A. L., & Ingold, P. V. (2019, September). Kompetentes Aussehen = gute Führungskraft? Zur Aktivierung von Stereotypen im Assessment Center [Competent appearance = good manager? On stereotype activation in the assessment center; Oral presentation at conference]. 11th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Braunschweig, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2019, April). Structured interviews for assessing leadership behavior constructs [Poster presentation at conference]. 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD, USA.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Hoffman, B. J., & Kleinmann, M. (2018, September). Einbeziehen, unterstützen, wertschätzen: Wie gut kann beziehungsorientiertes Führungsverhalten im Assessment Center erfasst werden? [Inclusion, support, appreciation: How well can relationship-oriented leadership behavior be measured in the assessment center?; Oral presentation at conference]. 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., & Hoffman, B. J. (2018, April). Adopting an interpersonal perspective: What kind of leadership is captured in ACs? [Oral presentation at conference]. 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2017, September). Wie lassen sich gute Führungskräfte identifizieren? Ein strukturiertes Interview zur Messung des Führungsverhaltens und zur Vorhersage des Mitarbeiterwohlbefindens [How can you identify good managers? A structured interview to measure leadership behavior and predict employee well-being; Oral presentation at conference]. 10th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Dresden, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2017, May). How good are you as a supervisor? Assessing leadership behaviors in the structured interview [Oral presentation at conference]. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., Lievens, F., & Melchers, K. (2017, April). Can we assess the Big Five personality as AC dimensions? [Oral presentation at conference]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL, USA.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., & Melchers, K. (2016, September). Verhaltensbeobachtung statt Selbstbericht: Die Big Five als Anforderungsdimensionen in einem Assessment Center [Behavioral observation instead of self-report: The Big Five as dimensions in an assessment center; Oral presentation at conference]. 40th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Leipzig, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2016, June). An alternative to self-reports: Assessing personality in structured interviews [Poster presentation at conference]. 4th meeting of the European Network of Selection Researchers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2016, April). Developing personality-based interviews: Facilitating both construct and criterion validity [Oral presentation at conference]. 31st Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2015, September). Wie lässt sich die Konstruktvalidität von Einstellungsinterviews optimieren? Ein strukturiertes Interview zur Messung der Big Five Persönlichkeit [How can the construct validity of recruitment interviews be optimized? A structured interview to measure the Big Five personality; Oral presentation at conference]. 9th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Mainz, Germany.
Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., & Kleinmann, M. (2015, September). How to improve construct-related validity of employment interviews? Assessing the Big Five personality dimensions in a structured interview [Poster presentation at conference]. 14th Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Geneva, Switzerland.
Heimann, A. L., Vincent-Höper, S., Gregersen, S., & Nienhaus, A. (2015, April). Transformational leadership and employee well-being: A meta-analysis [Poster presentation at conference]. 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Heimann, A. L. (2022, March). The Ambition Gap [Invited talk]. Event at Accenture Switzerland celebrating International Women's Day, Zurich, Switzerland.
Heimann, A. L. (2020, September). Wie sind Menschen mit dem Lockdown umgegangen und welche Auswirkungen hatte das angeordnete Homeoffice auf Wohlbefinden und Performance? [How did people deal with the COVID-19 lockdown and what effects did the ordered home office have on well-being and performance?; Invited talk]. Event with presentations and panel discussion for members of Swiss Cleantech, Zurich, Switzerland.
Heimann, A. L. (2020, September). Trends der eignungsdiagnostischen Forschung [Trends in research on employee assessment; Invited talk]. Internal training event for Avenir Consulting, Zurich, Switzerland
Heimann, A. L. (2019, November). Auswirkungen des Assessment Center Designs auf die Assessment Center Ratings [Effects of assessment center design on assessment center ratings; Invited talk]. Internal training event for MPW Consulting, Zurich, Switzerland.
Heimann, A. L. (2018, June). Wie führen Sie ihre Mitarbeitenden? Ein strukturiertes Interview zur Diagnostik des Führungsverhaltens [How do you lead your employees? A structured interview to diagnose leadership behavior; Invited talk]. 6th Zürcher Diagnostikkongress, Zurich, Switzerland.