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Psychologisches Institut Experimentelle Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie

Themen für Bachelorarbeiten

Übersicht der Bachelorarbeitsthemen dieser Professur

  • Themenvergabe durch Präsenztermin
    Ablauf: Die Bachelorarbeitsthemen werden am Forschungskolloquium vor Ort vergeben.
    Datum: 27.02.2024
    Zeit: 14:00 Uhr
    Ort: Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich, Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zürich / Raum: Hörsaal Z1 03
    Betreuungsperson der Bachelorarbeit: Prof. Dr. B. Kleim



  • MMP-9 and its inhibition in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cocaine Use Disorder: A Scientific Review

    Beschreibung: This thesis should delve into the molecular aspects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Cocaine Use Disorder (CUD), focusing on the role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and its potential therapeutic applications. The review should systematically examine existing scientific literature to understand how MMP-9 may be associated with further biological processes in PTSD and CUD and explore the idea of inhibiting MMP-9 for potential therapeutic benefits in managing these disorders.
    Kontakt: Valerie Hofmann, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 08.02.2024)
  • Script-Driven Imagery in PTSD and CUD: A Comparative Literature Review

    Beschreibung: This thesis should conduct a comprehensive literature review on the application of script-driven imagery, specifically targeting trauma- memories in persons with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or substance-related memories, in individuals diagnosed Cocaine Use Disorder (CUD). It should aim to systematically analyze existing literature, exploring the use of script-driven imagery in each group independently. Emphasis will be placed on identifying commonalities and differences in approaches, shedding light on the nuanced ways this method is employed to study memories in the context of PTSD and CUD.
    Kontakt: Lina Dietiker, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 08.02.2024)
  • Understanding Glutamate Dysregulation in PTSD: A Literature Review of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Studies

    Beschreibung: This thesis should delve into the relationship between glutamate and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) through a focused review of studies that use Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) to measure glutamate levels. By analyzing these studies systematically, the thesis should aim to summarize the current state of knowledge, and suggest potential directions for future research.
    Kontakt: Lina Dietiker, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 08.02.2024)



  • How to determine whether psychotherapy is effective for an individual patient?

    Beschreibung: Psychotherapy is effective for the treatment of a number of psychiatric conditions. However, a common belief is that psychotherapy might not be beneficial for all patients. How can we determine if this belief is justified? N-of-1 trials allow answering this question (Senn, 2018). With these single-patient, multiple cross-over trials, the effect of the treatment of interest (e.g. psychotherapy) can be systematically assessed and compared with the effect of other treatments and/or placebo. Thus, n-of-1 trials provide a sophisticated method to identify the optimal treatment for an individual patient. The associated bachelor thesis should be aimed at summarizing the current literature on n-of-1 trials in psychotherapy and behavioral interventions. In particular, the specifics of the included trials (e.g. which interventions were compared) should be highlighted and compared. Finally, the trial’s results should be discussed to answer the question whether or not psychotherapy was beneficial (or harmful) to the respective patient.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 09.07.2019)
  • Mechanisms underlying acquisition and recall of extinction and its impact on resilience

    Beschreibung: tress-related disorders are common and affect a large number of individuals around the globe. Understanding who develops stress-related disorders and who succumbs to stress is therefore paramount. One factor identified as a predictor of resilience is extinction recall in the context of aversive memories. Specifically, extinction refers to a reduction in conditioned responses for negative stimulus and is thought to form a new safety memory. This bachelor thesis will review recent studies that help understand better underpinning processes of acquisition and recall of extinction, as well as their impact on resilience. Such mechanisms may be found in behavioural experiments, as well as in studies involving physiological measurements, neuroimaging, neurotransmitters and hormones levels.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.07.2019)
  • How to block the reconsolidation of traumatic memories?

    Beschreibung: Even though many think that memories are permanent and cannot be changed or erased, research suggests otherwise. There is a lot of evidence that memories can be altered through pharmacological or behavioral interventions, sometimes profoundly, when they are recalled. This is especially interesting in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder, where people suffer from recurring emotion-laden memories of the traumatic event, so called intrusive memories. This bachelor thesis will review recent studies on interventions that block reconsolidation. It will discuss which interventions are used in clinical practice, in experimental studies with an analog trauma model and suggest further interventions.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 28.06.2019)
  • How does chronobiology influence the core symptom of PTSD?

    Beschreibung: Experiencing recurring emotion-laden aversive memories of the event is the hallmark symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In certain ways PTSD can be seen as a memory disorder. Within our brain, memory storage and memory retrieval are heavily influenced by both time of day (thanks to an endogenous circadian clock) and sleep pressure (through a homeostatic sleep-wake mechanism). Thus, it is probable that the development as well as the recurring symptoms of intrusive memories are heavily influenced by chronobiology. This thesis will review studies to answer the question whether chronobiological factors, such as indices relating to the circadian clock, are associated with changes in trauma memory and whether this has been related to emotional memory changes in psychotherapy. Such a link could be meaningfully exploited for memory modulation and optimizing current psychotherapy for PTSD.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 28.06.2019)
  • Predictors of suicidal ideation

    Beschreibung: Understanding suicidal ideation, as well as predicting, and preventing suicide is currently in its infancy. New methods, such as ecological momentary assessments or streams of data from smartphone sensors (e.g. GPS) and wearables (e.g. heart rate) offer new was to monitor and, possibly, intervene as processes unfold in real-time. This thesis will review recent studies and investigate predictors of suicidal ideation, including those that can be obtained in real life. Such monitoring methods may create new opportunities for scientific and clinical advances.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 31.12.2018)
  • Is sleep neglected in current evidence-based treatment of suicidality?

    Beschreibung: A growing body of literature reports significant and consistent associations between sleep disturbances and suicidal ideation and suicidality. Prospective studies have assigned a seminal role to sleep disturbances and nightmares in predicting suicidality (e.g. Nadorff, Nazem, & Fiske, 2011). This bachelor thesis will review recent studies and identify, whether current evaluation of psychological treatments of suicidality included (i) an assessment of sleep and/or (ii) sleep as part of a psychological treatment module.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 31.12.2018)
  • Evidence-based psychosocial predictors of stress resilience

    Beschreibung: Individuals’ reactions and psychological functioning in response to a potentially traumatic event (PTE) have been classified as several distinct outcome groups. These analyses have repeatedly identified resilience as the largest response group. Resilience has been defined as no disturbance or relatively quick recovery after exposure to a PTE. Who is resilient and who succumbs to stress? Evidence in terms of predictors for resilient responding is mixed. This bachelor thesis will review recent studies on predictors of resilient outcome across different groups, i.e., spousal or child loss, disease, military trauma or police deployment.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 31.12.2018)
  • Chronobiological aspects of emotional memory modulation and psychotherapy

    Beschreibung: There is increasing scientific evidence pointing towards the key influence of innate biological rhythms, such as the circadian rhythm, on disease onset and progression. Part of the mechanisms for this may be accounted for by the bidirectional link between circadian rhythms and the immune system. In fact, disruption of these cycles have been shown to contribute to changes in pathology, including changes in fatigue, and mood. This thesis will review studies to answer the question whether chronobiological factors, such as indices relating to the circadian clock, are associated with changes in emotional memory and whether this has been related to emotional memory change in psychotherapy. Such a link could be meaningfully exploited to enhance learning, memory modulation and optimise current psychotherapy.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 31.12.2018)
  • Risikofaktoren für die Entstehung einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) nach Geburt

    Beschreibung: Ob eine Geburt, welche in der Regel ein vorhersehbares Ereignis ist, eine PTBS hervorrufen kann, wurde immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert. Die in den letzten Jahren zunehmende Anzahl an Studien konnte zeigen, dass ein Drittel der Frauen die Geburt ihres Kindes als traumatisch beschreibt und dass die Raten an PTBS nach Geburt bei Frauen ohne PTBS vor der Geburt bei knapp 5 % liegen. Natürlich haben nicht alle Gebäenden das gleiche Risiko eine PTBS zu entwickeln. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist die Analyse und Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Literatur zu den Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung einer postpartalen PTBS.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 17.01.2018)
  • Prävention und Behandlung von Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen (PTBS) nach Geburt

    Beschreibung: Die Untersuchung von posttraumatischem Stress nach Geburt stiess in den letzten auf zunehmendes Interesse (s. o.). Dennoch sind viele Aspekte noch nicht gänzlich verstanden und es gibt soweit keine klaren Empfehlungen bezüglich Prävention, Frühintervention und psychotherapeutischer Behandlung. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist die Analyse und Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Literatur zu Prävention und Behandlung von postpartaler PTBS.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 17.01.2018)
  • Does Sleep promote resilience? Evidence from objective sleep indices

    Beschreibung: Healthy sleep may promote resilience in the face of stress and adversity. Most previous studies that assess this association rely on laboratory measures or retrospective questionnaires. There are some studies, however, that have investigated this relationship by collecting prospective data on the association between sleep and resilience using real-time objective assessments. These studies help to shed light on the daily relationship and interactions of sleep and stress related variables. The present BA thesis aims to analyze and summarize current literature on ecological momentary/EEG and actigraphy data and stress responses to investigate whether sleep is associated with reduced psychopathology in the face of adversity.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.12.2017)
  • Targeted memory reactivation- Translation von Grundlagenergebnissen in die Psychotherapie?

    Beschreibung: Schlaf ist ein sehr aktiver Prozess in Bezug auf die Veränderung von Gedächtnisprozessen. Im Schlaf werden Erinnerungen reaktiviert, mit bereits bestehenden Erinnerungen integriert. Weiterhin wird der affektive Anteil von Erinnerungen abgebaut. Diese Prozesse gelten v.a. auch für emotionale Erinnerungen. Grundlagenwissenschaftliche Studien konnten zeigen, dass diese Reaktivierung experimentell steuerbar ist, z.B. durch Präsentation von Düften oder Wörtern, die während bestimmter Erinnerungen anwesend waren. Die vorliegende BA Arbeit identifiziert und fasst entsprechende Studien zusammen und soll die Effektivität und Anwendbarkeit für die Psychotherapie prüfen.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.12.2017)
  • Evidenzbasierte Behandlungsprogramme zur Behandlung von Suizidalität

    Beschreibung: Suizidalität stellt in der Schweiz wie international ein grosses soziales wie ökonomisches Problem dar. Empfehlungen aktueller Leitlinien zur psychotherapeutischen Behandlung sind bisher jedoch vage und es bestehen keine klaren Empfehlungen zur psychotherapeutischen Behandlung. Einige Studien haben jedoch inzwischen einige Programme entwickelt, adaptiert, sowie untersucht. Die Bachelorarbeit soll diese aktuelle Literatur zu evidenzbasierten psychotherapeutischen Therapieprogrammen zur Behandlung von Suizidalität identifizieren und hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität evaluieren.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.12.2017)
  • Nudging in der Psychotherapie: Evidenz für die Anwendung in der Psychotherapie?

    Beschreibung: Im Feld der Ökonomie werden Nudges schon seit längerem erforscht und in der Praxis eingesetzt. Obwohl das Konzept aus der Verhaltensökonomie noch jung ist, gibt es schon viele Beispiele aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Auch in anderen Bereichen kann das Prinzip helfen, beispielsweise in der Psychotherapie. Dort ist die Translation und Umsetzung gelernter neuer Inhalte essentiell, genau an dieser Stelle scheitern jedoch viele Psychotherapeuten. Könnten Nudges im Kontext der Psychotherapie verwendet werden, um Patienten bei der besseren Umsetzung des Gelernten in den Alltag zu unterstützen? In der Masterarbeit sollen Studien identifiziert und zusammengefasst werden, die Nudges Kontexten untersucht haben, die für die Psychotherapie relevant sind.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.12.2017)
  • Effektivität transdiagnostischer psychotherapeutischer Behandlungsprotokolle

    Beschreibung: Neuere psychologische Psychotherapien beinhalten transdiagnostische Protokolle. Psychotherapeuten können hier mittels einzelner Module, die zum Teil individuell und entsprechend der Symptomkonstellatio der Patienten, zusammengestellt werden. Somit können Patienten mit unterschiedlichen Störungen behandelt werden (anstatt mit störungsspezifischen Manualen für unterschiedliche Störungen zu arbeiten). Die Bachelorarbeit soll anhand aktueller Literatur die Effektivität transdiagnostischer Therapien untersuchen, mit Fokus auf langfristigen Effekten auf Symptome der Psychopathologie.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 20.07.2017)
  • Predictors of resilient responding to stress and adversity

    Beschreibung: During the course of a normal life span, most of us will incur stressful or traumatic events, such as a car accident, an assault, the loss of a partner or close friend etc. Exposure to such events can result in disabling mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders or depression. However, there is great individual variability in psychological responding to trauma. Even when exposed to extreme stressors, many individuals do not develop enduring psychopathological responses, and display relatively good psychological outcome. Why are some individuals resilient in this manner, while others succumb to stress? The present theses aims to investigate current literature to identify predictors for resilient responding across studies.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 20.07.2017)
  • Autobiographical memories and psychotherapy-relevant processes

    Beschreibung: Increasing perceptions of self-efficacy may promote future thinking and problem solving in ways that are relevant to overcoming trauma and adversity. This study examines current evidence of whether enhancing perceptions of self-efficacy can promote psychotherapy-relevant processes.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 20.07.2017)
  • How do positive autobiographical memories relate to well-being?

    Beschreibung: Positive autobiographical memory retrieval has been linked to well-being. However, there are some inconsistencies in the literature that may partly be due to different definitions and assessment methods of positive autobiographical memories. The current thesis will review how positive autobiographical memory retrieval relates to well-being in the light of different definitions and assessment methods of positive memories.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 09.01.2017)
  • Wie verändern sich Symptome bei Patienten mit psychischen Störungen im Verlauf der Psychotherapie?

    Beschreibung: Wie verändern sich Symptome von Depression und Angst bei Patienten mit psychischen Störungen im Verlauf der Behandlung? In dieser Bachelorarbeit sollen methodisch hochwertige Studien mit mehrfachen Veränderungsmessungen gesammelt und überprüft werden, mit Fokus auf Patienten mit depressiven Erkrankungen und Behandlung im tagesklinischen/day-clinic setting. Ziel ist die Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Literatur und Evaluation der Ergebnisse.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 09.01.2017)
  • Processing of emotional memories during sleep

    Beschreibung: How get emotional experiences recapitulated during sleep and how does this process influence the formation of our memories? Several studies have examined how specific sleep indices correspond to the manifestation of newly acquired emotional memories. In a process called offline-consolidation, memory networks are reactivated during sleep without any sensory input. The aim of the thesis is to review recent research on the impact of different sleep indices on emotional memory networks and potential clinical applications of these mechanisms.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 22.12.2016)
  • Prevalence and characteristics of sleep disturbances in psychiatric in- and outpatients

    Beschreibung: Sleep disturbances including nightmares are common in individuals with various psychiatric disorders. Most of these studies seem to have been conducted in psychiatric inpatients, excluding the more severely afflicted patients that often suffer from comorbid diagnoses and possible additional social and other problems. Furthermore, disorder specificity of the various disturbed characteristics of sleep are not well known. This thesis will review the current literature on the prevalence and charasteristics of sleep disturbances in psychiatric in- and outpatients and discuss implications for psychotherapy.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 22.12.2016)
  • The role of chronibiology for modulating emotional memories and psychotherapy

    Beschreibung: There is increasing scientific evidence pointing towards the key influence of innate biological rhythms, such as the circadian rhythm, on disease onset and progression. Part of the mechanisms for this may be accounted for by the bidirectional link between circadian rhythms and the immune system. In fact, disruption of these cycles have been shown to contribute to changes in pathology, including changes in fatigue, and mood. This thesis will review studies to answer the question whether chronobiological factors, such as indices relating to the circadian clock, are associated with changes in emotional memory and whether this has been related to emotional memory change in psychotherapy. Such a link could be meaningfully exploited to enhance learning, memory modulation and optimise current psychotherapy.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.07.2016)
  • Sleep in the early aftermath of trauma exposure and emotional events

    Beschreibung: Sleep promotes memory consolidation. These consolidation processes include the reactivation and reorganization of earlier acquired memory traces. Understanding these processes is of high relevance for posttraumatic stress psychopathology (e.g. intrusive symptoms). However, the direction of the relationship between sleep and these memory processes is not yet fully understood. The aim of this bachelor project is to review and disentangle the relationship between sleep and emotional memory processing based on recent research.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 10.05.2016)
  • Positive Autobiographical Memories and Psychopathology

    Beschreibung: Retrieving positive memories of the personal past has been identified as an adaptive emotion regulation strategy and found to be associated with increased positive affect and mental health. In psychopathology, such as depression, positive autobiographical memory retrieval seems to be less beneficial and key characteristics, e. g. vividness or emotional intensity, seem to be disrupted. This thesis will review the current literature on positive autobiographical memory characteristics in the context of mental health and psychopathology and discuss implications for psychotherapy.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 10.05.2016)
  • Who is resilient and who succumbs to stress?

    Beschreibung: It is well documented that many people maintain mental health despite exposure to severe psychological or physical adversity (Bonanno et al., 2011; Chang et al., 2015). Resilience research tries to understand why some people do not, or only temporarily, develop stress-related mental dysfunctions while other individuals succumb to the same kind of challenges. The current thesis will review experimental and naturalistic studies on predictors and possible mechanisms that can protect individuals against stress-related psychopathology.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 09.05.2016)