Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 23/Jul/2015
S1: Opportunities and Challenges of Longitudinal Perspectives
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Grégoire Bollmann
Discussant: Martin Tomasik

Opportunities and challenges of longitudinal perspectives

Chair(s): Grégoire Bollmann (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Discussant(s): Martin Tomasik (University of Zurich, Switzerland)


Presentations of the Symposium


Longitudinal measurement invariance issues illustrated by examples of marital satisfaction in later life and the structure of psychopathology before and after psychotherapy

Jeannette Brodbeck, Hansjörg Znoj, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello;
University of Bern, Switzerland


Measuring self-esteem among young adults in different educational tracks: A longitudinal perspective

Oriane Sarrasin;
University of Lausanne, Switzerland


The use of Life-History Calendar Methods (LHC) to assess subjective evaluation of the personal life trajectory

Davide Morselli, Dario Spini, Nora Dasoki, Elenya Page;
University of Lausanne, Switzerland

PA4: Organizational Assessment 2
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Olaf Ringelband

A different sort of pedigree: Top-managers’ personality structures, career success, and derailment risks

Olaf Ringelband

md gesellschaft für management-diagnostik, Germany

The development of an instrument to assess organizational learning in small and medium enterprise in Asia

Yu-Lin Wang

National Cheng Kung University, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Unmasking ethical leadership: Quantitative research on the characteristics that describe ethical leaders at work

Eirini Marina Mitropoulou1, Ioannis Tsaousis1, Despoina Xanthopoulou2, Konstantinos Petrides3

1: University of Crete, Greece; 2: Aristoteleio University of Thessaloniki, Greece; 3: University College London, UK

Personality-based Person-Organization (PO) fit: A new direction for personality assessments

Punya V. Iyer1,2, Alec W. Serlie2, Janneke K. Oostrom3, Marise Ph. Born1

1: Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2: GITP, The Netherlands; 3: VU University, The Netherlands

Assessment of consumer heterogeneity: A comparison of two multidimensional latent modeling approaches

Irene R. R. Lu, Ernest Kwan, D. Roland Thomas, Louise A. Heslop

Carleton University, Canada

S2: Online Assessment and Internet-Based Research
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Chair: Stefan Stieger

Online assessment and internet-based research

Chair(s): Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Konstanz, Germany), Stefan Stieger (University of Konstanz, Germany; University of Vienna, Austria)


Presentations of the Symposium


Smartphone apps in psychological science: Results from an experience sampling method study

Stefan Stieger1, Ulf-Dietrich Reips2;
1University of Konstanz, University of Vienna, Germany, Austria, 2University of Konstanz, Germany


What do self-report measures of problems with executive function actually measure? Data from internet and laboratory studies

Tom Buchanan;
University of Westminster, United Kingdom


Self-ratings of personality and observers' ratings based on Facebook profiles

Boris Mlačić, Goran Milas, Ivna Sladić;
Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia


Dropout analysis with DropR: An R-based web app to analyze and visualize dropout

Ulf-Dietrich Reips1, Matthias Bannert2;
1University of Konstanz, Germany, 2ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Measuring narcissism online: Development and validation of a brief web‐based instrument

Tim Kuhlmann, Michael Dantlgraber, Ulf-Dietrich Reips;
University of Konstanz, Germany

Date: Friday, 24/Jul/2015
S3: Vulnerabilities and Resources at Work and in Career Development
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Grégoire Bollmann

Vulnerabilities and resources at work and in career development

Chair(s): Grégoire Bollmann (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)


Presentations of the Symposium


Validation of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Scale (CDDQ) in a Francophone context

Shékina Rochat, Jérôme Rossier;
University of Lausanne, Switzerland


More complex times require more attention to future orientation, resilience, and methodological choices in Life Design approach

Teresa M. Sgaramella, Laura Nota, Lea Ferrari, Maria Cristina Ginevra, I. DiMaggio;
Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy


Validation of the PhoPhiKat-9 (Short Form) in a workplace context

Jennifer Hofmann, Willibald Ruch;
University of Zurich, Switzerland


Believing in a free market system: Implications for the self and the society

Grégoire Bollmann1, Sébastien Mena2;
1University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2City University London, United Kingdom

S4: Response Styles in Personality Assessment
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Daniel Danner

Response styles in personality assessment

Chair(s): Daniel Danner (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany)


Presentations of the Symposium


Measurement equivalence of personality measures across educational groups – The moderating role of acquiescence

Beatrice Rammstedt;
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany


Controlling acquiescence bias in measurement invariance tests

Julian Aichholzer;
University of Vienna, Austria


Extreme response style and personality traits

Meike Morren;
VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Facets of acquiescence

Daniel Danner;
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany


Cognitive ability, acquiescence, and the structure of personality in a sample of older adults

Clemens Lechner1, Beatrice Rammstedt2;
1University of Jena, Germany, 2GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

PA19: Measurement 2
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Frank M. Goldhammer

Assessing test-taking engagement using response times

Frank Goldhammer1,3, Thomas Martens1, Oliver Lüdtke2,3

1: DIPF - German Institute for International Educational Research, Germany; 2: IPN - Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik, Germany; 3: ZIB - Centre for International Student Assessment, Germany

Examining test items for Differential Distractor Functioning (DDF) across different groups

Ioannis Tsaousis

University of Crete, Greece

Controlling time-related individual differences in test-taking behavior by presenting time information

Miriam Hacker, Frank Goldhammer, Ulf Kröhne

Educational Research and Educational Information (DIPF), Germany

Gender differences in general knowledge tests: Caused by unbalanced interest domains?

Philipp Meinolf Engelberg, Ralf Schulze

Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany

Are student evaluations of teaching really reliable? A Bayesian meta-analysis

Sherin Natalia Bopp, Sven Hug, Rüdiger Mutz

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Date: Saturday, 25/Jul/2015
PA23: Creativity and Emotional Intelligence
Location: KOL-G-217 (Ⅳ)
Chair: Johnny Fontaine

Assessment of emotional intelligence: A plea for unscored ratings

Elke Veirman, Johnny Fontaine

Ghent University, Belgium

Measuring emotional intelligence in early adolescents: An application of the latent change variable models

Vesna Buško1, Ana Babić Čikeš2

1: University of Zagreb, Croatia; 2: J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

Validation through inhouse-meta-analysis exemplified on an inventory of creative activities and achievements

Jennifer Diedrich1,2, Mathias Benedek1, Emanuel Jauk1, Aljoscha Neubauer1

1: University of Graz, Austria; 2: Federal Academy of Lower Austria (Niederösterreichische Landesakademie), Austria

Assessing creativity by meaning

Shulamith Kreitler

Tel-Aviv University, Israel