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Psychologisches Institut Angewandte Teamforschung


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Pasarakonda, S., Maynard, T., Schmutz, J. B., Lüthold, P. & Grote, G. (in press). How Team Familiarity Mitigates Negative Consequences of Team Composition Disruptions: An Analysis of Premier League Teams. Group and Organizational Management. Advance online publication.

Walter, S., Schmutz, J. B. & Grote, G. (2023). Leading airport security crews: Special challenges and how to overcome them. Journal of Airport Management, 17, 266-277. ISSN 1750-1938.

Maślikowska, M., & Gibbert, M. (in press). Dynamic Boundaries in Virtual Student Teams: Is Participant Alignment the New Team Cohesion? Academy of Management Learning and Education. Advance online publication.

Schmutz, J. B., Grande, B., & Sax, H. (2023). WHO ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ in anaesthesia induction: a video-based analysis reveals novel system challenges and design opportunities. Journal of Hospital Infection. Advance online publication.

Schmutz, J. B., Bienefeld, N., Maynard M. T. & Rico, R. (2023). Exceeding the Ordinary: A Framework for Examining Teams across the Extremeness Continuum and its Impact on Future Research. Group and Organizational Management. Advance online publication.

Schmutz, J. B., Schmutz, S. & Eppich, W. J. (2022). Teaminklusion fördern durch inklusive Sprache, Teamreflexion und Einbezug von Patientinnen und Patienten [Promoting team inclusiveness through inclusive language, team reflexivity and patient involvement]. DIVI-Zeitschrift, 13, 194-201.

Walter, S., Schmutz, J. & Grote, G. (2022). A Safety Approach for Improving Security – Effective Coordination Strategies at the Airport Security Screening Checkpoint. Human Factors. Advance online publication.

Schmutz, J. B. (2022) Institutionalizing an Interprofessional Simulation Education Program: An Organizational Case Study Using a Model of Strategic Change. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 36, 402-412.

Kolbe, M., Schmutz, S. Seelandt, J., Eppich, W. & Schmutz, J. (2021). Team debriefings in healthcare: aligning intention and impact. British Medical Journal, 374.

Schmutz, J. B., Lei, J. & Eppich, W. J. (2021). Reflection on the fly: Development of the Team Reflection Behavioral Observation System (TuRBO) for Acute Care Teams, Academic Medicine, 96, 1337-1345.

Stühlinger, M., Schmutz, J. B., Flury, D. & Grote, G. (2021) To Get Vaccinated or Not? Psychological Safety as a Catalyst for Alignment Between Individual Beliefs and Behavior, Group and Organization Management, 46, 38-69. https://

Pasarakonda, S., Grote, G., Schmutz, J. B., Bogdanovic, J., Guggenheim, M. & Manser, T. (2021). A strategic core role perspective on team coordination: Benefits of centralized leadership for managing task complexity in the operating room. HUMAN FACTORS, 63, 910-925.

Maślikowska, M., & Gibbert, M. (2019). The relationship between working spaces and organizational cultures. Facilities, 37, 1153-1165.

Schmutz, J. B., Meier, L. & Manser, T. (2019). How effective is teamwork really? The relationship between teamwork and performance in healthcare teams: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9, 1-16.

Stühlinger, M., Schmutz, J. B. & Grote, G. (2019). I hear you, but do I understand? The relationship of a shared professional language with quality of care and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1310-1320.

Jirkof, P. & Schmutz, J. B. (2019). Social and organizational factors affecting biosafety compliance in animal facilities: An integrative analysis of safety rules within the system. Safety Science, 118, 538-550.

Schmutz, J. B.
& Eppich, W. J. (2018). When I say ... team reflexivity. Medical Education, 53, 545-546.

Schmutz, J. B., Lei, J., Eppich, W. J. & Manser, T. (2018). Reflection in the heat of the moment: The role of in-action team reflexivity in healthcare emergency teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 749-765. (JOB Best Paper, Runner-up 2018)

Schmutz, J. B.
, Kolbe, M. & Eppich, W. J. (2018). Twelve tips for integrating team reflexivity into your simulation-based team training. Medical teacher, 40, 721-727.

Parker, S. H., Schmutz, J. B. & Manser, T. (2018). Training needs for adaptive coordination: Utilizing task analysis to identify coordination requirements in three different clinical settings. Group and Organization Management, 43, 504-527.

2017 and earlier
Kerry, M., Heimberg, E. & Schmutz, J. B. (2017). Investigating predictive power of agency and communion for interprofessional learner outcomes: A before-after study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31, 789-792.

Schmutz, J. B. & Eppich, W. J. (2017). Promoting learning and patient care through shared reflection: A conceptual framework for team reflexivity in healthcare. Academic Medicine, 92, 1555-1563.

Schmutz, J. B., Hoffmann, F., Heimberg, E. & Manser T. (2015). Effective team coordination in emergency care: The moderating role of task type. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, 761-776.

Schmutz, J., Manser T., Keil, J., Heimberg, E. & Hoffmann, F. (2015). Structured performance assessment in three pediatric emergency scenarios: a validation study. The Journal of Pediatrics, 166, 1498-1504.

Clack, L., Schmutz, J., Manser, T. & Sax, H. (2014). Infectious risk moments: A novel, human factors- informed approach to infection prevention. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 35, 1051-1055.

Schmutz, J., Eppich, W. J., Hoffmann, F., Heimberg, E., & Manser, T. (2014). Five steps to develop checklists for evaluating clinical performance: An integrative approach. Academic Medicine, 89, 996-1005.

Schmutz, J., & Manser, T. (2013). Do team processes really have an effect on clinical performance? A systematic literature review. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 110, 529-544.

Wissmath, B., Weibel, D., Schmutz, J. & Mast, F. (2011). Being present in more than one place at a time? Patterns of mental self-localization. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1808-1515.

Book Chapters

Eppich, W. J., Schmutz, J. B. & Teunissen, P. (2022). Conversational Learning in Health Professions Education: Learning Through Talk. In D. Nestel, Reedy, G., L. McKenna & S. Gough (Eds.). Clinical Education for the Health Professions-Theory and Practice. Springer Nature Singapor.

Schmutz, J. B., Marques-Quinteiro, P., Eppich, W. J. & Antino, M. (2022). Dealing with the unexpected—The ABC of effective Antarctica teams. In I. Kelman (Ed.). Antarcticness: Inspirations and Imaginaries. UCL Press. ISBN: 9781800081468

Dieckmann, P., Schmutz, J. B. & Su, L. (2021). Cognition and decision making in the real world. In E. Deutsch, H. Gurnaney & S. Perry (Eds.). Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation – Improving Healthcare Systems. Springer.

Maślikowska, M. (2020). A learning blender: How virtual team set-up influences outcomes. In M. Gibbert, L. Välikangas, & M. Luistro-Jonsson (Eds.), The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook (pp. 77–90). Routledge.

Gibbert, M., Maślikowska, M., & Mazursky, D. (2020). Wicked pedagogy as creative bricolage. In M. Gibbert, L. Välikangas, & M. Luistro-Jonsson (Eds.), The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook (pp. 119–131). Routledge.

Maślikowska, M. (2020). Sharing student voices. In M. Gibbert, L. Välikangas, & M. Luistro-Jonsson (Eds.), The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook (pp. 145–159). Routledge.

Schmutz, J. B., Kolbe, M. & Welp, A. (2015). Teamwork in healthcare organizations. In A. Örtenblad C. A. Löfström & R. Sheaff (Eds.). Management Innovations for Health Care Organizations. Adopt, Abandon or Adapt? (pp. 359-377). Routledge.

Manser, T., Perry, J. & Schmutz, J. (2012). Verhalten ist messbar: BehSchmutz, J. B.avioural Marker Systeme und Kompetenzentwicklung [Behaviour Marker Systems and Skill Development]. In M. St. Pierre & G. Breuer (Eds.). Simulation in der Medizin [Simulation in Healthcare] (pp. 169-182). Springer.


Eppich, W. E., & Schmutz, J. B. (2019). From „them“ to „us“: bridging group boundaries through team inclusiveness. Medical Education (IF 4.6), 53, 756-758.

Löllgen, M. C., Schmutz, J. B., Eppich, W. J. & Heimberg, E. (2017). Are women Inferior Leaders in Emergency Situations? An Appeal for a More Careful Interpretation of Research Results. Critical Care Medicine (IF 7.0), 45, e1198-e1199.

Kerry, M. J., Schmutz, J. B. & Eppich, W. J. (2017). Speaking up in defence of teamwork training towards patient safety: a response. Medical Education (IF 4.6), 52, 561-562.

Research Reports

P. Marques-Quinteiro, J. B. Schmutz, W. J. Eppich, M. Antino, & T. Maynard. (2020). Teamwork in Antarctica. Lisbon, Portugal: Zenodo.

Heimberg, E., Daub, J., Schmutz, J. B., Eppich, W. & Hoffman, F. (2020). Debriefing in der Kindernotfallversorgung – Grundlage einer verbesserten Patientenversorgung [Debriefings in pediatric emergency care – Basics of improved patient care]. Notfall + Rettungsmedizin, 24, 43-51.

Heimberg, E., Daub, J., Schmutz, J. B., Eppich, W. & Hoffman, F. (2020). Debriefing in der Kindernotfallversorgung – Grundlage einer verbesserten Patientenversorgung [Debriefings in pediatric emergency care – Basics of improved patient care]. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 168, 130-139. 10.1007/s10049-020-00833-1

Schmutz, J. B., Eppich, W. J. & Heimberg, E. (2017). Belastende Notfallsituationen meistern und verarbeiten [Master and process stressful emergency situations]. Pädiatrie, 29 (Suppl 1), 10-14.

Conference Keynotes

Schmutz, J. B. (2021, November) Patientensicherheit im Schweizer Rettungsdienst: Eine Standortbestimmung [Patient Safety in the Swiss Ambulance Service: An Assessment of the Current Situation]. Keynote at the 7. Symposium Retten und Lernen [7. Symposia Rescue and Learn], Nottwil, Switzerland.

Schmutz, J. B. (2018, Oktober). Keep calm and reflect – Team reflexivity and its implications for performance. Keynote at the 12th International Meeting for Behavioural Science in Surgery and Acute Care Settings, Munich, Germany.

Schmutz, J. B. (2016, Oktober). Teamwork und Leadership [Teamwork and Leadership]. Keynote at the 1. Heidelberger Interdisziplinäres Symposium Patientensicherheit [1. Heidelberg Interdisciplinary Symposia for Patient Safety], Heidelberg, Germany

Schmutz, J. B. (2015, October). Un groupe constitué d’experts ne fait pas un groupe d’expert [A group of experts is not an expert group]. Keynote at the Symposium Belge de Simulation en Santé [Belgian Symposia for Simulation in healthcare], Namur, Belgium.

Schmutz, J. B. (2014, November). Teamwork in der Medizin [Teamwork in Medicine]. Keynote at the 1. Symposium Retten und Lernen [1. Symposia Rescue and Learn], Nottwil, Switzerland.